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559.4 mi



goals & results


Current Activity

Biked: 0.0 mi in 20:00
Notes: Tracked 20:00 with Fitbit
Oct 6, 2020 Oct-6
Biked: 0.0 mi in 15:00
Notes: Tracked 15:00 with Fitbit
Oct 5, 2020 Oct-5
Walked: 0.0 mi in 14:00
Notes: Tracked 14:00 with Fitbit
Oct 5, 2020 Oct-5
Walked: 0.0 mi in 24:00
Notes: Tracked 24:00 with Fitbit
Sep 23, 2020 Sep-23
Ran: 0.0 mi in 25:00
Notes: Tracked 25:00 with Fitbit
Sep 22, 2020 Sep-22

Recent Accomplishments

Contributed 514.6 miles
Completed 25 workouts
April 12, 2018
Hi-5 . and 4 Others
Stepped 100 miles
February 19, 2018
Hi-5 Cori T. and 2 Others
Best Result | Dec 12, 2017
Unk | 5K
Hi-5 Charles D. and 3 Others
Personal Goal | Jan 28, 2018
Run 100 miles in 12 weeks
Hi-5 Cori T. and 1 Other

Activity Graph

Personal Bests

Fastest 5K
December 12, 2017

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