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3623.8 mi



goals & results


Current Activity

Stepped: 2.1 mi
Notes: Tracked 2.14 mi with Healthkit
Apr 8, 2018 Apr-8
Cross Trained: 0.0 mi in 15:00
Notes: Tracked 15:00 with Healthkit
Apr 8, 2018 Apr-8
Cross Trained: 0.0 mi in 26:00
Notes: Tracked 26:00 with Healthkit
Apr 7, 2018 Apr-7
Stepped: 3.6 mi
Notes: Tracked 3.62 mi with Healthkit
Apr 7, 2018 Apr-7
Stepped: 2.7 mi
Notes: Tracked 2.74 mi with Healthkit
Apr 6, 2018 Apr-6

Recent Accomplishments

Contributed 442.1 miles
Contributed 442.1 miles
Stepped 1000 miles
November 11, 2018
Hi-5 Nick H. and 7 Others
Stepped 700 miles
November 11, 2018
Hi-5 Neely G. and 5 Others
Stepped 500 miles
November 11, 2018
Hi-5 Charles D. and 5 Others
Stepped 300 miles
November 11, 2018
Hi-5 Nick H. and 3 Others
Stepped 100 miles
November 11, 2018
Hi-5 Charles D. and 1 Other
Completed 250 workouts
November 11, 2018
Hi-5 Josh R. and 7 Others
Completed 175 workouts
November 11, 2018
Hi-5 Nick H. and 1 Other
Completed 125 workouts
November 11, 2018
Hi-5 Charles D. and 4 Others
Completed 75 workouts
November 11, 2018
Hi-5 Charles D. and 3 Others
Ran 100 miles
November 11, 2018
Hi-5 Josh R. and 2 Others
Completed 25 workouts
November 11, 2018
Hi-5 Josh R. and 5 Others
Stepped 300 miles
March 22, 2018
Hi-5 Sarah L. and 3 Others
Stepped 100 miles
January 2, 2018
Hi-5 Sarah L. and 3 Others
Completed 25 workouts
December 15, 2017
Hi-5 Charles D.
Best Result | May 17, 2009
LaCrosse half marathon | Half marathon
2nd Best | Oct 4, 2008
Milwaukee Marathon | Marathon
| May 20, 2018
Green Bay half marathon | Half marathon

Activity Graph

Personal Bests

Fastest Half Mar
May 17, 2009
Fastest Mar
October 4, 2008
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